Thursday, June 16, 2011


Dear Chairman
Dear Orator
And all Muslim brother of mine

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. الحمد لله الذى أرسل رسوله بالهدى ودين الحق ليظهره على الدين كله أرسله بشيرا ونذيرا وداعيا إلى الله بإذنه وسراجامنيرا. أشهد أن لاإله الله وحده لا شريك له وهوالقوى العزيز. وأشهد أن سيدنامحمداعبده ورسوله المعوث رحمة للعالمين. اللهم صل على سيدنامحمدوعلى أله وصحبه الذين جاهدو فى الله حق جهاده فهداهم سواء السبيل. 

Praise be to Allah who has sent His messenger with the guidance and the Religion of truth, that he may cause it to prevail over all religion he has sent him as a bringer glad tidings and a Warner, as a summoner unto Allah by His permission, and as a lamp that give light.
I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah the Only One, He has no partner and He is the Strong, the Almighty. And I bear witness that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is His servant and His messenger who has been sent as a mercy for people.
O god! Shower blessings and salutation on our prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), his household, and his companions who stive for Allah with the endeavour which is His right, and then He guided them to the right road.
And I here respectfully offer my words gratitude to the protocol who provided a valuable occasion for me to present a speech in English entitled:

Dear Muslim brothers!
Islam teaches us the oneness of Allah. An equation of Allah is considered as biggest sin. Allah is one. Allah cannot be divided into personalities. Allah has no equal, no wife, no children, no match, no parent, and there is nothing which equals Him. He is the First, the Eternal Last. He is the creator. In short, He is the Proprietor of superlative attributes.
Allah is the Creator of the messenger, angels, souls, trees, stones, and all things in the universe. Therefore, as Muslims, do not worship Al-Masih! Do not worship angels! Do not worship souls! Do not worship satans ! Do not worship tree! Do not worship anything save Allah.
In this universe there is none worthy of worship except Allah. Allah alone has to be worshipped and to Allah alone one asks forgiveness and assistance.

In this regard Allah says in surah the opening as follows:

إيا ك نعبد و إيا ك نستعين (الفا تحة : ه)
“Thee alone we worship and thee alone we ask for help”

My brothers! He is not the one who can speak fluently Arabic language called Muslim. He is not the one who wears the cap and the serong, called Muslim. He is not the one who abstains from eating pork, called Muslim. But a Muslim is the one who proclaims the principle that there is absolutely no god other than Allah the Only One, who has no partner, and that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is His servant and messenger.
A Muslim is one who establishes the five times daily prayers, gives legal alms namely zakat, keep the fast, goes for pilgrimage to Mecca if one is able to do so.
Otherwise, he has to talk and do truth however, whenever and wherever he is, though it be bitter to do.
A Muslim is the one who is happy to see other in happiness, especially if that other is happy because of himself.
He regrets to see other in trouble, especially if the trouble is caused by himself. 

In explaining this respect the Holy Qur’an stated: 

محمد رسوله والذين معه أشداء على الكفار رحماء بينهم تراهم ركعا سجدا يبتغون فضلا من الله ورضوانا.
“Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. And those with him are hard against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves. Then see them bowing and falling prostrate (in worship) seeking bounty of Allah and His pleasure…”(QS. Al Fath: 29)

My brother! It must be well understood that Islam is not simply the religion of faith which is colored by asceticisme doing for the sake of hereafter. Islam is not merely worshipping in the mosque. Islam is not simply prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and pilgrimage, but Islamic is covering all aspect of human life. Whatever we do to improve our worldly life meaning for the sake of God’s pleasure is worship in Islam.
Islam enjoins active life and creative social activities and not isolation from the society or communion with God alone. Islam obliges to seek portion of the world. 

The Holy Quran states as follows: 

وابتغ فيما أتاك الله الدارالآخرة ولا تنس نصيبك من الدنيا وأحسن كما أحسن الله إليك ولاتبغ الفساد فى الآرض إن الله لايحب المفسدين.
“but seek the abode of the hereafter in that which Allah have given thee and neglect not your portion of the world, and be kind even as Allah have been kind to thee, and seek not corruption in the earth, lo ! Allah loved not corrupters.”

Our prophet Muhammad saw. Said:

إعمل لدنياك كأنك تعيش أبدا واعمل لآخراتك كأنك تموت غدا

“Conduct yourself in this world as if you have to stay here forever, prepare for the beyond as if you have to die tomorrow”

So, He is not a Muslim who merely lives a life of seclusion and contemplation. He is not a true Muslim who only meditates in the mosque seeking Allah’s pleasure and His mercy. On the contrary, He is not a Muslim who merely hunts property without rememberance of his religious obligation. He is not a true Muslim who only gathers wealth of world an only arranges it but looses his God. And he is not a true Muslim whose life is for the sake of worldly affairs.
Dear Muslim generation! Your duty now is to show your Islamic identity though you live in non-Muslim country. You have to show your Islamic identity although you work amongst profane society. Have no fear to say: I am a Muslim, how ever much the disbelievers may be averse, however much the idolaters may be averse, however much the hypocrites may be averse, however much the idolaters may be averse, however much the hypocrites may be averse.
A young generation! Lo! Allah has chosen Islam for you as true religion, therefore die not save as Muslims!
You have to be proud that you are Muslim. O ye disbelievers! Bear you witness that we are Muslims !

All right my brothers! Due to the time is up for going on this speech, at last I’d like to enjoin you that our motto of life is:

يا بنى إن الله قداختارلكم الاسلام دينا فلا تموتن إلا وأنتم مسلمون.

“O my sons! Lo ! Allah has chosen for you the (true) religion, therefore, die not save as Muslim”

Finally, I say……

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.